What Does the Fox Say? A Blends Creation
This word work resource will help your students build, read, and write words with blends. This pack includes 6 different blends activities. Each activity includes recording sheets so students for differentiation, accountability, and assessment.
- Brace Maps
- Writing
- Puzzles
- Spin and Color
- Cut and Paste
- Write the Room
Love the fox? Continue your literacy centers with other What Does the Fox Say? creations by purchasing the BUNDLE which includes CVC Words, CVC-E Words, Blends, Middle Sounds, Ending Sounds, Letters & Beginning Sounds. These creations will cover your entire year of word work! Save 25% by purchasing the BUNDLE here: What Does the Fox Say? A Word Work BUNDLE!
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Thank you!
Greg & Jason Warren

What Does the Fox Say? A Blends Creation