Spinners For The Year
Make kindergarten centers easy to prep with interactive, hands-on, and fun games! With over 600 pages of spinner activities (color and black and white) for math, phonics, and phonemic awareness, there is more than enough games to incorporate into your classroom for the entire year! You’ll find spinners for uppercase letters, lowercase letters, beginning sounds, numbers to 10 and 20, counting to 10 and 20, and CVC Words.
- Over 600 pages of activities
- All activities are included in full color plus black & white
- Word List Included
- Themed & No Themed
Students will record their learning on the included differentiated recording sheets. Depending on the skill and recording sheet being used, students will spin and color or write. For example, they might use lowercase letter recognition to spin the spinner. They will color the matching letter on the recording sheet. They might spin and land on a picture if they're doing CVC words. They will segment the sounds and spell the word on their recording sheet.
These spinners are designed for use monthly or seasonally but can be used at any time of the year.
To use: Print and laminate the spinners. Print the desired recording sheets. Students will make their spinners using a pencil and a paper clip (or a golf tee and a paper clip). You can also find transparent spinners on Amazon.
Copyright © The Kindergarten Smorgasboard
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.

Spinners For The Year