Read It Up! Bundle
This is a bundle of 16 Read It Up! resources discounted to 50% off the regular price exclusively for our Webinar attendees!
SHARING OF THESE FILES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Access is monitored, and if sharing with other teachers is determined, access will be revoked to all products.
Includes the following Resources:
- Last Stop on Market Street
- Stellaluna
- The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree
- Balloons Over Broadway
- Gingerbread Man
- Snowmen At Night
- Crankenstein Valentine
- Tops & Bottoms
- Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
- How To Catch a Mermaid
- Letter From My Teacher On The Last Day of School
- Bear's Loose Tooth
- Brown Bear Brown Bear
- Rap a Tap Tap
- Stone Soup
- Story of Ferdinand
**A Purchase of This Exclusive Bundle entitles you to ONE license. That means these files cannot be shared with other teachers or classrooms. It is for your use ONLY. Any file-sharing is a violation of copyright and will not be tolerated. It will result in revoking access to the files.

Read It Up! Bundle