Read It Up! Spookley the Square Pumpkin: The First Day of School
Your students will love Spookley The Square Pumpkin: The First Day Of School. Teach comprehension skills using this first day of school read-aloud. This reading comprehension resource includes comprehension lessons and activities to help students understand a story. Quick and easy setup plus clear directions make these activities perfect for back to school.
Lead your students through various comprehension strategies and help students build language and vocabulary while enjoying a back-to-school read-aloud.
Here's what you'll get:
- Directions for each activity
- Labels to make graphic organizers
- Recording sheets
- Rubrics
Your students will love making connections to the story, comparing and contrasting their school day to Spookley, and sharing their first day of school emotions.
The included comprehension skills:
- Predictions
- Story map
- Retelling
- Vocabulary
- Writing
- Emotions
- Text Evidence
- Making Connections
If you don't have the book, you can get it here: Spookley The Square Pumpkin: The First Day of School
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Copyright © The Kindergarten Smorgasboard
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
See the entire TKS Read It Up! Collection.

Read It Up! Spookley the Square Pumpkin: The First Day of School