Living and Nonliving: A Research and Writing Project
This living and nonliving research project is a fun, hands-on, engaging way to bring research and writing about life into your classroom. Through whole group research, the use of anchor charts, graphic organizers, and writing activities, students will learn all about the basic needs of living things, how to care for living and nonliving things, and write about living things. This resource makes research and writing simple and fun for all grades preK-5!
- Research Journal Pages
- Essential Questions
- KWL Chart
- Schema Map
- Living and Nonliving Chart
- Living and Nonliving Magazine Hunt
- Living and Nonliving Sort
- Living and Nonliving Writing Pages
- Is It Living? Grid
- Basic Needs of Living Things Chart
- Basic Needs of Living Things Writing Pages
- Goldfish vs. Goldfish Crackers
- Gummy Worms vs. Earthworms
- Living and Nonliving Scavenger Hint
- How to Care for Living Things Writing Pages and Rubrics
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Thank you!
Greg & Jason Warren

Living and Nonliving: A Research and Writing Project