Math It Up! Snapping Numbers - Composing and Decomposing Numbers
Make learning about composing and decomposing numbers fun with these engaging, hands-on math activities! This set includes low-prep lessons perfect for how to make numbers and different ways we can make numbers. The quick and easy whole group, independent activities, partner games, and small group lessons make this an all-inclusive math resource!
Lead your students to discover how to make numbers through hands-on games, activities, and lessons. Students will love the hands-on learning and games, and won't even realize how much they're learning!
Here's what you'll get:
- 5 days of whole group and independent lessons that can be easily differentiated
- Small group lessons
- Recording sheets
- Center activities
Your students will love practicing how to make numbers with a variety of games, partner games, and hands-on lessons. They'll be out of their seats, engaged in mathematical discussions, and exploring number sense with their friends.
Prep is quick and easy... Just print, laminate, and gather manipulatives, and you're ready for a fun and engaging class!
The included lessons are:
- Building towers lessons (whole group and independent practice)
- Put together story problems lessons
- Story of a number for numbers 1-10
- I can build numbers book
- Centers
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Elizabeth G. says: “I love when my kids can use manipulatives and they LOVE blocks/Legos. This is a great resource to keep all students engaged and busy working on these hard skills like addition and counting. “
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Cheryl M. says: “Glitter to you Greg!!! I love, love this my first graders came to me in August most not being able to count one-to -one to ten. Resources like this and my own are helping them develop number sense and decomposing and composing number understanding. Thanks to great teachers like you for touching the lives of students everywhere! Hugs and glitter from So Cal to Nashville!!!”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Christy I. says: “As I struggle with understanding decomposing numbers and teaching it to my kinders... this resource does it almost for me!!! It helped me understand and the kinders were able to comprehend. Once again you've given us a resource that is right on!!!”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Julie G. says: “My students thought they were playing rather than working at a Math station. They loved this and so did I!”
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Thank you!
Greg & Jason Warren

Math It Up! Snapping Numbers - Composing and Decomposing Numbers