Birthday Math and Literacy Centers
This is a birthday-themed creation featuring more than 100 pages of math and literacy centers! There are 7 math centers and 7 literacy centers! These centers are low prep and easily differentiated to meet the needs of all students. These are great center activities to pull out on the days that a student has a birthday! What a fun way to celebrate birthdays in your class!
- Numbers to 20 (ten frames)
- Count And Clip To 20
- Birthday Spin Numbers
- Number Puzzles (Tally Marks)
- Missing Numbers
- Adding to 5
- Counting to 100
- CVC Words
- Sight words
- Beginning Sounds
- Letter Spin
- Write the room
- Uppercase And Lowercase Letters
- Cupcake Letters
Please be sure to check out our website to read our blog, download freebies & handouts in the Resource Center, see where Mr. Greg will be making appearances in the Events tab, and more. Visit our website here: The Kindergarten Smorgasboard
Thank you!
Greg & Jason Warren

Birthday Math and Literacy Centers