Pirate Addition and Subtraction BUNDLE!
This BUNDLE is designed to help students practice and master their addition and subtraction skills. The activities in this creation can be differentiated and used in a variety of ways to meet the needs of all students. Most of the activities include recording sheets that can be used for student accountability. The creations included are Pirate Addition! and Pirate Subtraction!
- Adding to 5 and 10
- Addition Story/Word Problems
- Addition Puzzles
- Addition Sort
- Add and Clip
- Missing Addends
- Subtraction to 5 and 10
- Subtraction Story/Word Problems
- Subtraction Puzzles
- Subtraction Sort
- Subtract and Clip
- Missing Numbers
This BUNDLE saves you 25% off the regular price of each included creation!
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Thank you!
Greg & Jason Warren

Pirate Addition and Subtraction BUNDLE!