Rainbows: A Research and Writing Project PLUS Centers!
Graphic organizers
Recording sheets
Writing and drawing activities
Read aloud book suggestions
15 math and literacy centers
Schema map
KWL chart
Suggested read alouds
Can/have/are chart
True false sort
Word web
Color wheel
Color mixing
Writing activities and rubrics
15 math and literacy centers
Beginning Sounds Matching
CVC Words Matching
CVC-E Words Matching
Final Sounds Matching
Middle Sounds Matching
Rhyming Words Matching
Ten Frames Matching
Addition to 10
Subtraction to 10
Number Bonds
Tally Mark Matching
Counting to 100
One more/One less
Roll and Color (number ID)
Roll and Color (add and subtract)
Read our blog post on this Rainbows Research Project: CLICK HERE
Want Just The Centers Without The Research Activities? CLICK HERE
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1K Palacios says: “I used this for my science unit! The kids loved it. We painted, learned, and read about rainbows and it was so easy to plan it out with all of these resources!!”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Totally TK says: “I love these research projects because they guide my teaching process and allow the kids to ask and answer questions about specific topics.”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Becky K. says: “This was such a fun resource. My students loved it and learned so much. Thank you!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Eryn F. says: “Very interactive and very student friendly!”
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Please be sure to check out our website to read our blog, download freebies & handouts in the Resource Center, see where Mr. Greg will be making appearances in the Events tab, and more. Visit our website here: The Kindergarten Smorgasboard
Thank you!
Greg & Jason Warren

Rainbows: A Research and Writing Project PLUS Centers!