Digital Math It Up! Counting With Trucks
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This DIGITAL Math It Up! counting resource is designed to help students master counting to 10 and 20 with one-to-one correspondence for use on Google Slides/Classroom and/or SeeSaw as an interactive tool in the classroom and in distance/remote learning. Students will count using counters, counting mats, ten frames, and hands-on lessons. Includes whole group lessons and small group activities.
Included in this digital Math It Up! resource are:
counting mats
number mats
ten frame mats
assessment pages
ten frame matching
A folder with all recording sheets in PDF format that can be shared with families
Image files to load on student devices or to use on additional platforms
Also available as a printable resource: CLICK HERE
Please be sure to check out our website to read our blog, download freebies & handouts in the Resource Center, see where Mr. Greg will be making appearances in the Events tab, and more. Visit our website here: The Kindergarten Smorgasboard.
Thank you!
Greg & Jason Warren

Digital Math It Up! Counting With Trucks